Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. fibber mcgee and molly  night out 01 06 1942  www.botar.us 
 2. Dead To This World  1942  First Strike For Spiritual Renewance 
 3. green hornet, the  a slip of the lip 05 23 1942  www.botar.us 
 4. Ron Padgett  June 17, 1942  Dial-A-Poem Poets: Disconnected 
 5. green hornet, the  a slip of the lip 05 23 1942  www.botar.us 
 6. William Carlos Williams  Columbia 1942  National Council of Teachers of English/Columbia Univeristy Press; January 9, 1942 
 7. A Century of Heroes  September 10, 1942  A Century of Heroes 
 8. A Century of Heroes  September 10, 1942  A Century of Heroes 
 9. A Century of Heroes  September 10, 1942  A Century of Heroes 
 10. Ron Padgett  June 17, 1942  Dial-A-Poem Poets: Disconnected 
 11. wilderworld  117 - The Bowling Song (1942)  wilderworld 
 12. Ye Old Christmas Radio ep13  Command Performance 1942  www.mystery-otr.net 
 13. Perhaps-a-Doobie  1942 Hi-Score theme   
 14. Perhaps-a-Doobie  1942 Hi-Score theme   
 15. fibber mcgee and molly  pot roast for dinner 06 09 1942  www.botar.us 
 16. fibber mcgee and molly  gasoline rationing 12 01 1942  www.botar.us 
 17. Perhaps-a-Doobie  1942 Hi-Score theme   
 18. green hornet, the  sabotage finds a name 11 21 1942  www.botar.us 
 19. fibber mcgee and molly  fibber buys a horse 02 24 1942  www.botar.us 
 20. Bud Hannings  Invasion of Aleutian Islands 1942   
 21. Paul Rollins  The Heat and The Dust - North Africa 1942  The Tank Museum Veterans Podcasts 
 22. Paul Rollins  The Heat and The Dust - North Africa 1942  The Tank Museum Veterans Podcasts 
 23. Franklin Delano Roosevelt  1942-11-15 - FDR-271 - RA on the 7th Anniversary of the Philippines Commonwealth Government.mp3  The Presidents Speak 
 24. Dennis Humphrey  Big Band Serenade Episode 9...Vocalist from the 1942-1944   
 25. Dennis Humphrey  Big Band Serenade Episode 9...Vocalist from the 1942-1944   
 26. John Cage-Mauricio Kagel - Imaginary Landscape (1942)  John Cage-Mauricio Kagel - Imaginary Landscape (1942)  Unknown Title 
 27. Eddie Cantor  Radio Show With Jack Benny & Dinah Shore (11-25-1942)   
 28. Buck Benny  Friday with Fred Allen! 1942-12-06 George Jessel - First Allens Alley  Jack Benny Show - OTR Podcast! 
 29. Buck Benny  Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy - War Years - 1942-05-03 Guest Judy Garland  Jack Benny Show - OTR Podcast! 
 30. Rob Nokes  Stearman,1942,Onboard,Ease Down - Left side: engine. Right side: fuselage.  Sounddogs.com 
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